Index by author
March 23, 2005; Volume 25,Issue 12
Adolphs, Ralph
- Behavioral/Systems/CognitiveEmotional Autobiographical Memories in Amnesic Patients with Medial Temporal Lobe DamageTony W. Buchanan, Daniel Tranel and Ralph AdolphsJournal of Neuroscience 23 March 2005, 25 (12) 3151-3160;
Alder, Janet
- BRIEF COMMUNICATIONSEarly Presynaptic and Late Postsynaptic Components Contribute Independently to Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor-Induced Synaptic PlasticityJanet Alder, Smita Thakker-Varia, Robert A. Crozier, Aisha Shaheen, Mark R. Plummer and Ira B. BlackJournal of Neuroscience 23 March 2005, 25 (12) 3080-3085;
Allen, Jeremy P.
- Development/Plasticity/RepairDisruption of Ephrin Signaling Associates with Disordered Axophilic Migration of the Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone NeuronsJohn A. Gamble, Delicia K. Karunadasa, Jean-Rémi Pape, Michael J. Skynner, Martin G. Todman, R. John Bicknell, Jeremy P. Allen and Allan E. HerbisonJournal of Neuroscience 23 March 2005, 25 (12) 3142-3150;
Antonsen, Brian L.
- Behavioral/Systems/CognitiveThe Retrograde Spread of Synaptic Potentials and Recruitment of Presynaptic InputsBrian L. Antonsen, Jens Herberholz and Donald H. EdwardsJournal of Neuroscience 23 March 2005, 25 (12) 3086-3094;
Atwood, Harold L.
- Cellular/MolecularCalcium Sensitivity of Neurotransmitter Release Differs at Phasic and Tonic SynapsesAndrew G. Millar, Robert S. Zucker, Graham C. R. Ellis-Davies, Milton P. Charlton and Harold L. AtwoodJournal of Neuroscience 23 March 2005, 25 (12) 3113-3125;
Bagley, Elena E.
- Behavioral/Systems/CognitiveInduction of δ-Opioid Receptor Function in the Midbrain after Chronic Morphine TreatmentStephen P. Hack, Elena E. Bagley, Billy C. H. Chieng and MacDonald J. ChristieJournal of Neuroscience 23 March 2005, 25 (12) 3192-3198;
Bao, Jianxin
- BRIEF COMMUNICATIONSRequirement of Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptor Subunit β2 in the Maintenance of Spiral Ganglion Neurons during AgingJianxin Bao, Debin Lei, Yafei Du, Kevin K. Ohlemiller, Arthur L. Beaudet and Lorna W. RoleJournal of Neuroscience 23 March 2005, 25 (12) 3041-3045;
Barker, Peter B.
- Behavioral/Systems/CognitiveAnatomy of Spatial Attention: Insights from Perfusion Imaging and Hemispatial Neglect in Acute StrokeArgye E. Hillis, Melissa Newhart, Jennifer Heidler, Peter B. Barker, Edward H. Herskovits and Mahaveer DegaonkarJournal of Neuroscience 23 March 2005, 25 (12) 3161-3167;
Beattie, Eric C.
- Cellular/MolecularDifferential Regulation of AMPA Receptor and GABA Receptor Trafficking by Tumor Necrosis Factor-αDavid Stellwagen, Eric C. Beattie, Jae Y. Seo and Robert C. MalenkaJournal of Neuroscience 23 March 2005, 25 (12) 3219-3228;
Beaudet, Arthur L.
- BRIEF COMMUNICATIONSRequirement of Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptor Subunit β2 in the Maintenance of Spiral Ganglion Neurons during AgingJianxin Bao, Debin Lei, Yafei Du, Kevin K. Ohlemiller, Arthur L. Beaudet and Lorna W. RoleJournal of Neuroscience 23 March 2005, 25 (12) 3041-3045;