In the article “Deriving the Glutamate Clearance Time Course from Transporter Currents in CA1 Hippocampal Astrocytes: Transmitter Uptake Gets Faster during Development,” by Jeffrey S. Diamond, which appeared on pages 2906-2916 of the March 16, 2005 issue, Figures 2 and 9 are shown with excessive noise attributable to a graphics problem. Corrected versions of both figures are shown here.
STCs get faster during development. A, Synaptic currents in response to single and paired (50 ms interval) stimulation, recorded in a P14 astrocyte. B, Responses as in A, recorded from an adult astrocyte. C, Facilitated STCs from A (black trace) and B (gray trace), normalized in amplitude to facilitate comparison of time course. D, Summary data showing that STCs recorded in adult astrocytes (n = 13) exhibited faster rise times, decay times, and centroids than STCs recorded in P12-P14 astrocytes (n = 13).
Effects of 10 μm TBOA on NMDAR EPSCs. A, EPSCs recorded from a P14 CA1 pyramidal cell in control (black), in the presence of 10 μm TBOA (gray), and after washout (wash) of TBOA (black dotted line). Vhold = +30 mV. B, Traces in A scaled to the same amplitude. C, As in A but recorded from an adult (P66) pyramidal cell. D, Traces in C scaled to the same amplitude. E, Summary effects of 10 μm TBOA on NMDAR EPSC peak amplitude in P10-P14 (n = 4) and adult (n = 6) pyramidal cells. F, Summary effects of 10 μm TBOA on NMDAR EPSC half-decay time in P10-P14 (n = 4) and adult (n = 6) pyramidal cells. The bars in E and F correspond to control (black), 10 μm TBOA (gray), and wash (white) conditions. Asterisks indicate a statistically significant difference (p < 0.05) compared with control.