Figure 5.
LFP tuning in the frequency domain. a, Time-resolved and normalized amplitude spectrum obtained from one sample electrode (same as in Fig. 1b–d), separately for each movement direction. b, Left, Normalized tuning curves (including SEMs) of the LFP amplitude spectrum shown in a for three different frequency bands (≤4, 6–13, and 63–200 Hz). Tuning curves were normalized by subtracting the mean and dividing by the SD across trials averaged across eight directions. Each tuning curve was computed at the time point in which the signal-to-noise ratio of the respective frequency band was highest (compare c). Right, Cosine functions fitted to the curves on the left. Numbers show the squared correlation coefficients between data and the fitted cosine function. c, Signal-to-noise ratios of the LFP amplitude spectrum shown in a, separately for the different frequency bands. Time is relative to movement onset. d, Distributions of SNRs across all LFPs for the ≤4, 6–13, and 63–200 Hz bands. For each LFP and frequency band, the best SNR between 200 ms before movement onset and 750 ms after movement onset was chosen. The triangle denotes the SNR values of the sample LFP.