Article Figures & Data
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Files in this Data Supplement:
- supplemental material - Supplemental Figure 1: HDAC4 is not expressed in astrocytes in adult cortex. Adult rat cortex was stained with -HDAC4, -GFAP, and Hoechst. Images were obtained using Zeiss Axioskop compound microscope with 20x objective. Images on the right are insets from the larger images. Note that cell bodies/nuclei associated with GFAP-positive fibers do not stain highly for HDAC4 (see arrows).
- supplemental material - Supplemental Figure 2: Nuclear localization of HDAC4 is required for its effect on cell death, and HDAC4 only slightly alters the effect of BDNF on cell death. In (A), CGNs were transfected with GFP, HD4-118, or HD4-118-3SA, then subjected to LK treatment for 6 hours or left in FM. Cell death was assessed by nuclear morphology. In (B), CGNs transfected with GFP, HDAC4, or HD4-3SA were incubated in LK media for 6 hours with or without 100ng/ml BDNF. Cell death was then assessed by nuclear morphology.
- supplemental material - Supplemental Figure 3: A second siRNA to HDAC4 also reduces cell death, and TSA reduces cell death after 24 hours of low potassium. In (A), CGNs were transfected with GFP and either pSuper vector or pSup-M5HD4. Two days after transfection, cells were stained with -GFP and active-caspase-3, and GFP-positive cells were assessed for the presence of active caspase-3. ** p < 0.001 vs. 6LK control. In (B), untransfected CGNs (6 DIV) were treated with 1uM TSA for 5 hours or not, then treated and untreated samples were switched into LK media for 24 hours. Cells were recovered and stained with Hoechst and assessed for cell death as in Fig 5E. * p < 0.02 vs. untreated FM, + p < 0.02 vs. untreated 24LK.