Figure 2.
Presynaptic expression of Hiw rescues morphological defects in hiw mutants. a, Representative confocal images of muscle 4 synapses costained with DVGLUT (green) and FasII (red) in WT (elav Gal4/+), hiwND8, hiwΔN, hiwΔC, and hiwND8-rescue (hiwND8/Y; UAS-Hiw/+; elav Gal4/+) third-instar larvae. All hiw alleles were out-crossed with wild-type flies. b-e, Quantification of bouton number (b), number of branch points (c), synaptic span (d), and bouton size (e) in WT, hiwND8, hiwΔN, hiwΔC, and hiwND8-rescue third-instar larvae. For bouton number, the number of branch points and synaptic span are n = 30, 30, 26, 37, and 51 cells, respectively; for bouton size, n = 15, 15, 21, 20, and 18 cells, respectively. The excision mutants of hiw, hiwΔN, and hiwΔC have essentially identical synaptic phenotypes to the nonsense allele hiwND8 (p > 0.5 among hiwND8, hiwΔN, and hiwΔC). All three hiw alleles are significantly different from WT in all parameters measured (p ≪ 0.001). The hiw morphological defects are rescued by presynaptic expression of Hiw in all parameters measured (p ≪ 0.001). Error bars represent SEM.