In the article “Hippocampal Inactivation Disrupts the Acquisition and Contextual Encoding of Fear Extinction,” by Kevin A. Corcoran, Timothy J. Desmond, Kirk A. Frey, and Stephen Maren, which appeared on pages 8978-8987 of the September 28, 2005 issue, The y-axis of Figure 6 was mislabeled such that it read (from top to bottom) “360, 60, 20, 0” rather than “0, 20, 60, 360.” The correct version of Figure 6, as well as the legend, is shown below.
Location of [3H]muscimol at various intervals after intrahippocampal infusions (experiment 3). Phosphoimages of [3H]muscimol were made and overlaid on postfixed cresyl-violet-stained sections. Rats were killed immediately (0 min), 20, 60, or 360 min after intrahippocampal [3H]muscimol infusions. Sections shown are from representative rats from each infusion-killing interval and range from 0.6 mm rostral (leftmost section) to 0.6 mm caudal (rightmost section) to the infusion site.