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- supplemental material - Supplementary Figure 1 Tonic short-term plasticity was observed within bursts of cortical stimulations evoked at 12.5 Hz, that depended on initial release probability: facilitation in low release probability (Ca2+: 0.5mM) and depression in high release probability conditions (Ca2+: 4mM). Bottom panel: average EPSC amplitude changes within a burst at 12.5 Hz in low (filled circle, facilitation, n = 8) or high (open circle, depression, n = 4) release probability conditions.
- supplemental material - Supplementary Figure 2 4-AP does not affect the properties of action potentials triggered at the somatic level in PFC intrinsic bursting neurons. (A) Sample traces of action potentials evoked in intrinsic bursting neuron of the PFC by a 5 ms intracellular current pulse (injected current: 540 pA) in control condition (left panel) and in the presence of 4-AP 100 �M (right panel). (B) Resting membrane potential (control: -68 � 2 mV ; 4-AP: -66 � 4 mV ; n = 4) and spike threshold (control: -41 � 3 mV ; 4-AP: -39 � 4 mV ; n = 4) were unaffected after 10 minutes of 4-AP treatment. (C) In addition, 4-AP did not change the intensity of injected current necessary to evoke an action potential (control: 655 � 67 pA ; 4-AP: 620 � 76 pA ; n = 4). (D) 4-AP does not change miniature EPSC (mEPSC) properties in NAc neurons. Sample traces showing AMPA-mediated mEPSCs recorded in the presence of TTX (0.5 �M) in the NAc, in control conditions and in the presence of 4AP (100 �M) after 10 minutes of incubation. No effect of 4-AP on frequency and amplitude of mEPSCs was observed. (E) Sample experiment showing that, in 4 mM extracellular Ca2+, 4-AP (30 �M) increased evoked EPSC amplitude and occluded RB-STP (left) without affecting EPSC waveform (right). In the left panel, empty and filled circles represent the amplitude of the first EPSC evoked every 5 seconds either by paired or burst of six stimulations (80 ms apart), respectively. Right: traces represent EPSCs (averages of 18 traces) in control, RB-STP and 4-AP conditions, as indicated. Control and 4-AP traces are scaled and superimposed in the lower right. Note the slight increase in EPSC latency in the presence of 4-AP but the absence of apparent change in EPSC waveform.