Figure 2.
Electrophysiological comparison of full-length β4a and BCDE. A, Cav2.1 current size as a function of time after injection of no β (X), β4a (filled symbols), or BCDE (open symbols) cRNA. Inset, RNA gel showing α1, α2/δ mixtures with increasing amounts of β4 constructs (β4 to α1 ratios: squares, 1:1 β4 molar ratio relative to α1; diamonds, 4:1 ratio; circles, 12:1 ratio). B, Representative Cav2.1 current traces in the absence (dashed line on top of gray trace) and presence of β4a (black traces) or BCDE (gray traces). Effects of increasing injected amounts (in nanograms) of β4 constructs on rate of inactivation are indicated by arrows. C, Effects of increasing injected amounts (in nanograms) of β4a (top) and BCDE (bottom) on Cav2.1 activation. D, Effects of increasing amounts (in nanograms) of β4a (top) and BCDE (bottom) on Cav2.1 closed-state inactivation. Symbols represent mean values, and lines serve to connect data points.