Article Figures & Data
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Files in this Data Supplement:
- supplemental material - Figure S1. Components of the NgR complex and kinases and phosphatases which act on cofilin are expressed in PC12 cells and neuronal tissues. (A) Detection of NgR, p75NTR and LINGO1 in PC12 cells by RT-PCR. � and + designate the absence or presence of reverse transciptase enzyme respectively during the RT reaction. (B) Detection of SSH1, LIMK1, chronophin and TESK1 in tissues commonly used to study myelin-dependent inhibition by RT-PCR. p75, p75NTR, DRG, dorsal root ganglion.
- supplemental material - Figure S2. Model of Nogo-dependent signalling to cofilin. Schematic representation of signalling events downstream of ROCK following Nogo-66 stimulation (see discussion).