Figure 2.
NGF/TrkA regulates the axonal expression of LINGO-1 on NGF-dependent DRG neurons. A, Expression of LINGO-1, TrkA, MBP, MAG, and β-actin were examined in the developing mouse spinal cord. Tissue from postnatal day 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 20, and adult were isolated and prepared for Western blot analysis. B, OPC/DRG cocultures were subjected to NGF treatment for 2 d (0–100 ng/ml) and immunoprecipitated for TrkA. Samples were probed for phosphorylated (P)-tyrosine, LINGO-1, and β-actin. C, Purified DRGs and OPCs were subjected to NGF treatment (0–100 ng/ml) in similar manner, and cells were extracted and prepared for Western blot analysis for LINGO-1 and β-actin. D, Purified DRG neuronal cultures were either treated with or without NGF (100 ng/ml) and immunostained for LINGO-1. Scale bar, 100 μm. E, RT-PCR TrkA, LINGO-1, and glyceraldehyde phosphate dyhydrogenase (GAPDH; control) was performed on purified OPCs, SCs, and DRGs in the presence or absence of NGF or BDNF. F, Combined immunostaining for TrkA and in situ hybridization for LINGO-1 mRNA were performed on frozen sections of rat postnatal day 6 dorsal root ganglia. Sections were cut and probed with a digoxigenin-labeled RNA for LINGO-1 (red) and then with an antibody to TrkA (green). A sense probe for LINGO-1 was used as a control for the in situ hybridization. G, LINGO-1 inhibits oligodendrocyte differentiation and myelination downstream of NGF/TrkA signaling. DRG cultures were infected for 2 d with DN-LINGO-1 (1), control (2), DN-TrkA (3), control (4), or a combination of DN-TrkA and FL-LINGO-1 (5) or DN-LINGO-1 and FL-TrkA (6). Purified OPCs were seeded onto the DRG cultures after infection and allowed to grow for 14 d. Cocultures were then extracted and prepared for Western blot analysis. Samples were probed for MAG, MBP, LINGO-1, and β-actin.