Figure 6.
Molecular characterization of nonpyramidal projection neuron populations. A–H, Fluorescence digital micrographs of retrogradely labeled neurons after FG injection into the subiculum (A–E) or the medial septum (F–H). A, In str. oriens of the CA1 area, a retrogradely labeled hippocampo-subicular projection cell is immunoreactive for mGluR1α (A2) and SOM (A3) but negative for muscarinic M2R (A4). This expression profile is common for both hippocampo-subicular and hippocampo-septal neurons. B, Another hippocampo-subicular projection neuron (B1) is negative for CB (B2) and SOM (B3) but positive for M2R (B4). C, In str. radiatum (CA1sr), a hippocampo-subicular projection neuron (C1) shows M2R immunoreactivity (C4) but is negative for CB (C2) and NPY (C3). D, In str. lacunosum-moleculare (CA1 slm), a retrogradely labeled hippocampo-subicular cell (D1) is positive for mGluR1α (D2) but negative for SOM (D3) and M2R (D4). E, A hippocampo-subicular projection neuron (E1) in the dentate hilus (DG hilus) is SOM positive (E3) but CB negative (E2) and M2R negative (E4). F, A hippocampo-septal projection neuron (F1) in the CA1so is positive for mGluR1α (F2) and SOM (F3) but not for M2R (F4). This expression profile is also frequently seen in hippocampo-subicular neurons. G, In str. lucidum of the CA3 area (CA3 sl), a hippocampo-septal projection neuron (G1) is CR positive (G3) but PV (G2) and NOS negative (G4). H, In the dentate hilus, a hippocampo-septal neuron (H1) is positive for SOM (H3) and NPY (H4) but negative for CB (H2). This expression profile is also found in hilar hippocampo-subicular projection cells. I, Distributions of retrogradely labeled GABAergic neurons projecting to the subicular (I1) and septal (I1) areas. Each panel represents a 70-μm-thick triple-immunofluorescence-labeled section for SOM, mGluR1α, and M2R. I1, Hippocampo-subicular neurons are mainly present in the CA1 area and rare in the CA3 area and dentate gyrus. In the CA1 area, they are in str. oriens (so), radiatum (sr), and lacunosum-moleculare (slm). In this area, SOM-positive/mGluR1α-positive/M2R-negative projection cells are located in the str. oriens, SOM-negative/mGluR1α-negative/M2R-positive cells are present throughout all layers, and SOM-negative/mGluR1α-positive/M2R-negative cells are distributed in str. radiatum and lacunosum-moleculare. Some hippocampo-subicular neurons are immunonegative for all three molecules. I2, Hippocampo-septal neurons are scattered throughout the hippocampus. In the CA1 area, most of them are in str. oriens. In the CA3 area, they are in all of the layers; in the dentate gyrus, they are restricted to the hilus. Virtually all hippocampo-septal neurons are SOM positive. The majority of them are SOM positive/mGluR1α positive/M2R negative. In addition, there are also some triple-positive cells and SOM-positive/mGluR1α-negative/M2R-positive cells. Scale bars: (in A) A–H, 20 μm; I, 500 μm.