About the Cover
Cover image

Cover legend: Three-dimensional reconstruction of a large mossy fiber bouton and its postsynaptic CA3 pyramidal target dendrite. Volume reconstruction of an en passant mossy fiber bouton (depicted in transparent dark yellow) and its postsynaptic target dendrite (blue), as reconstructed from a series of ultrathin sections taken from an adult rat hippocampus. The spiny excrescences of the postsynaptic target dendrite were almost entirely covered by the nerve termimal. The pool of synaptic vesicles (green dots) was distributed throughout the entire nerve terminal. Mitochondria (white) were seen to form either cluster- or band-like arrangements. For more information, see the article by Rollenhagen et al. in the September 26, 2007 issue (pages 10434–10444) (http://www.jneurosci.org/cgi/content/abstract/27/39/10434).