Figure 2.
Regions in the left anterior (MNI coordinates: x = −36, y = −12, z = −21; max t = 5.17) and posterior (MNI coordinates: x = −27, y = −33, z = −3; max t = 4.29) hippocampus where BOLD signal was higher for correct than for incorrect trials during presentation of the sample stimulus; contrasts are superimposed on an averaged T1-weighted image. Plots of parameter estimates (indexing response amplitude) and trial-averaged time courses illustrate that anterior hippocampal activity decreased relative to the ITI baseline after presentation of the sample stimulus; the decrease was of smaller magnitude for correct (blue) than incorrect (pink) trials. Posterior hippocampal activity increased relative to the ITI baseline after presentation of the sample stimulus; the increase was larger for correct than incorrect trials. Note that the time courses begin with 4 s of prestimulus baseline activity.