Figure 3.
Regions in the left (MNI coordinates: x = −30, y = −30, z = −3; max t = 4.20) and right (MNI coordinates: x = 27, y = −27, z = −6; max t = 4.90) posterior hippocampus where BOLD signal was higher for correct than for incorrect trials are shown; results are superimposed on an averaged T1-weighted image. Plots of parameter estimates for correctly identified test displays (match, mismatch position, and mismatch swap, respectively) and for test displays that elicited incorrect responses are presented for each brain region along with trial-averaged time courses. These graphs illustrate that activity associated with presentation of the test stimulus was graded as a function of display type; activity was greatest for correctly identified match displays, followed by mismatch-position, mismatch-swap, and finally incorrect test trials.