Figure 7.
Comparison of latencies of IPSPs evoked in DSCT neurons and of activation of interneurons with input from group I and II afferents. Diamonds in A–D and E–H show latencies of IPSPs evoked in DSCT neurons by stimulation of the more proximal (Q and Sart) and more distal (DP, FDL, GS, PL, and PBST) nerves, from group II afferents (A, E) and from group I afferents (B, F). These have been plotted in the ascending order of latency. Dotted lines indicate upper limits of latencies of IPSPs classified with highest confidence as evoked disynaptically. Open triangles in all these plots represent sums of latencies of activation of individual interneurons by group I or II afferents and of antidromic activation of the same interneurons from Clarke's column, plotted according to the ascending order of the sums. In A,B and E,F, no corrections have been made to these sums to account for latent period of activation of axons of interneurons by electrical stimuli and other sources of their overestimation (see Results). In C,D and G,H, such corrections have been made, and the data are shifted to the right to match IPSPs mediated by later activated interneurons. For the justification of such rearrangements, see Results.