Figure 1.
ITD tuning to a pure-tone sound stimulus of best frequency. A–D, A low-BF neuron (A–C, 200 Hz from a juvenile chicken, P5; D, 400 Hz from a young adult chicken, P23). F–J, A middle-high-BF neuron (F–H, 2400 Hz from a juvenile chicken, P4; I, 1800 Hz, P27; J, 2000 Hz, P26). A, F, Raster plots. The gray and white bands indicate a set of five repeats of ITD. The horizontal bars indicate sound presentation here and the subsequent PSTHs. B, G, PSTHs at the best (top) and the worst ITDs (bottom) obtained at 98 dB SPL (B) and 68 dB SPL (G). Bin width, 1 ms. C, D, H, I, J, ITD-tuning curves. ITD-tuning curve of best contrast is indicated by a solid line with error bars of SEM, and the horizontal broken line and the shade indicate the mean ± SEM of spontaneous firings. Stimulus SPL and the rate threshold are indicated. E, Firing rates of the best ITD (solid lines) and the worst ITD (broken lines) as a function of SPL, from five units presented in this figure. The symbols identify units; the open symbols are units from juvenile chickens, and the filled symbols are units from young adult chickens. Contra., Contralateral; Ipsi., ipsilateral.