Index by author
August 27, 2008; Volume 28,Issue 35
Alves, Nyresa C.
- Articles, Behavioral/Systems/CognitiveDevelopmental Excitation of Corticothalamic Neurons by Nicotinic Acetylcholine ReceptorsSameera M. Kassam, Patrick M. Herman, Nathalie M. Goodfellow, Nyresa C. Alves and Evelyn K. LambeJournal of Neuroscience 27 August 2008, 28 (35) 8756-8764;
Aragona, Brandon J.
- Articles, Behavioral/Systems/CognitivePreferential Enhancement of Dopamine Transmission within the Nucleus Accumbens Shell by Cocaine Is Attributable to a Direct Increase in Phasic Dopamine Release EventsBrandon J. Aragona, Nathan A. Cleaveland, Garret D. Stuber, Jeremy J. Day, Regina M. Carelli and R. Mark WightmanJournal of Neuroscience 27 August 2008, 28 (35) 8821-8831;
Asada, Akiko
- Articles, Neurobiology of DiseaseSuppression of Mutant Huntingtin Aggregate Formation by Cdk5/p35 through the Effect on Microtubule StabilitySayuko Kaminosono, Taro Saito, Fumitaka Oyama, Toshio Ohshima, Akiko Asada, Yoshitaka Nagai, Nobuyuki Nukina and Shin-ichi HisanagaJournal of Neuroscience 27 August 2008, 28 (35) 8747-8755;
Ashery-padan, Ruth
- Cover ArticleArticles, Development/Plasticity/RepairAltered Molecular Regionalization and Normal Thalamocortical Connections in Cortex-Specific Pax6 Knock-Out MiceMaria Carmen Piñon, Tran Cong Tuoc, Ruth Ashery-Padan, Zoltán Molnár and Anastassia StoykovaJournal of Neuroscience 27 August 2008, 28 (35) 8724-8734;
Barriere, Gregory
- Articles, Behavioral/Systems/CognitiveMultiple Mechanisms for Integrating Proprioceptive Inputs That Converge on the Same Motor Pattern-Generating NetworkGregory Barrière, John Simmers and Denis CombesJournal of Neuroscience 27 August 2008, 28 (35) 8810-8820;
Baup, Nicolas
- Brief CommunicationsHigh-Frequency Stimulation of the Anterior Subthalamic Nucleus Reduces Stereotyped Behaviors in PrimatesNicolas Baup, David Grabli, Carine Karachi, Stéphanie Mounayar, Chantal François, Jérôme Yelnik, Jean Féger and Léon TremblayJournal of Neuroscience 27 August 2008, 28 (35) 8785-8788;
Becker, Howard C.
- Articles, Cellular/MolecularGlutamate Transporters Regulate Extrasynaptic NMDA Receptor Modulation of Kv2.1 Potassium ChannelsPatrick J. Mulholland, Ezekiel P. Carpenter-Hyland, Matthew C. Hearing, Howard C. Becker, John J. Woodward and L. Judson ChandlerJournal of Neuroscience 27 August 2008, 28 (35) 8801-8809;
Bredt, David S.
- Articles, Cellular/MolecularTARP Redundancy Is Critical for Maintaining AMPA Receptor FunctionKaren Menuz, Jessica L. O'Brien, Siavash Karmizadegan, David S. Bredt and Roger A. NicollJournal of Neuroscience 27 August 2008, 28 (35) 8740-8746;
Carelli, Regina M.
- Articles, Behavioral/Systems/CognitivePreferential Enhancement of Dopamine Transmission within the Nucleus Accumbens Shell by Cocaine Is Attributable to a Direct Increase in Phasic Dopamine Release EventsBrandon J. Aragona, Nathan A. Cleaveland, Garret D. Stuber, Jeremy J. Day, Regina M. Carelli and R. Mark WightmanJournal of Neuroscience 27 August 2008, 28 (35) 8821-8831;
Carpenter-hyland, Ezekiel P.
- Articles, Cellular/MolecularGlutamate Transporters Regulate Extrasynaptic NMDA Receptor Modulation of Kv2.1 Potassium ChannelsPatrick J. Mulholland, Ezekiel P. Carpenter-Hyland, Matthew C. Hearing, Howard C. Becker, John J. Woodward and L. Judson ChandlerJournal of Neuroscience 27 August 2008, 28 (35) 8801-8809;