Index by author
May 06, 2009; Volume 29,Issue 18
Abbott, Stephen B. G.
- Articles, Behavioral/Systems/CognitivePhotostimulation of Retrotrapezoid Nucleus Phox2b-Expressing Neurons In Vivo Produces Long-Lasting Activation of Breathing in RatsStephen B. G. Abbott, Ruth L. Stornetta, Michal G. Fortuna, Seth D. Depuy, Gavin H. West, Thurl E. Harris and Patrice G. GuyenetJournal of Neuroscience 6 May 2009, 29 (18) 5806-5819;
Aguilar, J.
- Articles, Behavioral/Systems/CognitiveSpike Timing, Spike Count, and Temporal Information for the Discrimination of Tactile Stimuli in the Rat Ventrobasal ComplexG. Foffani, M. L. Morales-Botello and J. AguilarJournal of Neuroscience 6 May 2009, 29 (18) 5964-5973;
Aho, Ann-Christine
- Articles, Behavioral/Systems/CognitiveRod Phototransduction Determines the Trade-Off of Temporal Integration and Speed of Vision in Dark-Adapted ToadsCharlotte Haldin, Soile Nymark, Ann-Christine Aho, Ari Koskelainen and Kristian DonnerJournal of Neuroscience 6 May 2009, 29 (18) 5716-5725;
Alia-klein, Nelly
- Brief CommunicationsDopaminergic Response to Drug Words in Cocaine AddictionRita Z. Goldstein, Dardo Tomasi, Nelly Alia-Klein, Jean Honorio Carrillo, Thomas Maloney, Patricia A. Woicik, Ruiliang Wang, Frank Telang and Nora D. VolkowJournal of Neuroscience 6 May 2009, 29 (18) 6001-6006;
Amici, Mascia
- Journal ClubRole of Kainate Autoreceptors in Short-Term Plasticity at Hippocampal Mossy Fiber SynapsesSheila L. Dargan and Mascia AmiciJournal of Neuroscience 6 May 2009, 29 (18) 5713-5715;
Andres, Lissette
- Featured ArticleArticles, Cellular/MolecularIdentification of Flap Structure-Specific Endonuclease 1 as a Factor Involved in Long-Term Memory Formation of Aversive LearningLorena Saavedra-Rodríguez, Adrinel Vázquez, Humberto G. Ortiz-Zuazaga, Nataliya E. Chorna, Fernando A. González, Lissette Andrés, Karen Rodríguez, Fernando Ramírez, Alan Rodríguez and Sandra Peña de OrtizJournal of Neuroscience 6 May 2009, 29 (18) 5726-5737;
Ashley, Richard
- Articles, Behavioral/Systems/CognitiveSelective Subcortical Enhancement of Musical Intervals in MusiciansKyung Myun Lee, Erika Skoe, Nina Kraus and Richard AshleyJournal of Neuroscience 6 May 2009, 29 (18) 5832-5840;
Assad, John A.
- Articles, Behavioral/Systems/CognitiveThe Effect of Microsaccades on the Correlation between Neural Activity and Behavior in Middle Temporal, Ventral Intraparietal, and Lateral Intraparietal AreasTodd M. Herrington, Nicolas Y. Masse, Karim J. Hachmeh, Jackson E. T. Smith, John A. Assad and Erik P. CookJournal of Neuroscience 6 May 2009, 29 (18) 5793-5805;
Babiloni, Claudio
- Articles, Behavioral/Systems/CognitiveFrontoparietal Cortex Controls Spatial Attention through Modulation of Anticipatory Alpha RhythmsPaolo Capotosto, Claudio Babiloni, Gian Luca Romani and Maurizio CorbettaJournal of Neuroscience 6 May 2009, 29 (18) 5863-5872;
Baik, Eun Joo
- Articles, Cellular/MolecularCalpain-Mediated N-Cadherin Proteolytic Processing in Brain InjuryYou-Na Jang, Yi-Sook Jung, Soo Hwan Lee, Chang-Hyun Moon, Chang-Hoon Kim and Eun Joo BaikJournal of Neuroscience 6 May 2009, 29 (18) 5974-5984;