Index by author
June 24, 2009; Volume 29,Issue 25
Abdallah, Luna
- Articles, Behavioral/Systems/CognitiveImpact of Serotonin 2C Receptor Null Mutation on Physiology and Behavior Associated with Nigrostriatal Dopamine Pathway FunctionLuna Abdallah, Stephen J. Bonasera, F. Woodward Hopf, Laura O'Dell, Marco Giorgetti, Minke Jongsma, Scott Carra, Massimo Pierucci, Giuseppe Di Giovanni, Ennio Esposito, Loren H. Parsons, Antonello Bonci and Laurence H. TecottJournal of Neuroscience 24 June 2009, 29 (25) 8156-8165;
Ahmed, Syed M.
- Articles, Cellular/MolecularGlutamate Transporter Coupling to Na,K-ATPaseErin M. Rose, Joseph C. P. Koo, Jordan E. Antflick, Syed M. Ahmed, Stephane Angers and David R. HampsonJournal of Neuroscience 24 June 2009, 29 (25) 8143-8155;
Akhtar, Mohd W.
- Articles, Cellular/MolecularHistone Deacetylases 1 and 2 Form a Developmental Switch That Controls Excitatory Synapse Maturation and FunctionMohd W. Akhtar, Jesica Raingo, Erika D. Nelson, Rusty L. Montgomery, Eric N. Olson, Ege T. Kavalali and Lisa M. MonteggiaJournal of Neuroscience 24 June 2009, 29 (25) 8288-8297;
Ammassari-teule, Martine
- Articles, Behavioral/Systems/CognitiveThe Formation of Recent and Remote Memory Is Associated with Time-Dependent Formation of Dendritic Spines in the Hippocampus and Anterior Cingulate CortexLeonardo Restivo, Gisella Vetere, Bruno Bontempi and Martine Ammassari-TeuleJournal of Neuroscience 24 June 2009, 29 (25) 8206-8214;
Angers, Stephane
- Articles, Cellular/MolecularGlutamate Transporter Coupling to Na,K-ATPaseErin M. Rose, Joseph C. P. Koo, Jordan E. Antflick, Syed M. Ahmed, Stephane Angers and David R. HampsonJournal of Neuroscience 24 June 2009, 29 (25) 8143-8155;
Antflick, Jordan E.
- Articles, Cellular/MolecularGlutamate Transporter Coupling to Na,K-ATPaseErin M. Rose, Joseph C. P. Koo, Jordan E. Antflick, Syed M. Ahmed, Stephane Angers and David R. HampsonJournal of Neuroscience 24 June 2009, 29 (25) 8143-8155;
Arancio, Ottavio
- Articles, Development/Plasticity/RepairPhosphodiesterase 5 Inhibition Improves Synaptic Function, Memory, and Amyloid-β Load in an Alzheimer's Disease Mouse ModelDaniela Puzzo, Agnieszka Staniszewski, Shi Xian Deng, Lucia Privitera, Elena Leznik, Shumin Liu, Hong Zhang, Yan Feng, Agostino Palmeri, Donald W. Landry and Ottavio ArancioJournal of Neuroscience 24 June 2009, 29 (25) 8075-8086;
Archer, Simon N.
- Featured ArticleArticles, Behavioral/Systems/CognitiveFunctional Magnetic Resonance Imaging-Assessed Brain Responses during an Executive Task Depend on Interaction of Sleep Homeostasis, Circadian Phase, and PER3 GenotypeGilles Vandewalle, Simon N. Archer, Catherine Wuillaume, Evelyne Balteau, Christian Degueldre, André Luxen, Pierre Maquet and Derk-Jan DijkJournal of Neuroscience 24 June 2009, 29 (25) 7948-7956;
Armstrong, Gary A. B.
- Articles, Behavioral/Systems/CognitiveSuppression of Spreading Depression-Like Events in Locusts by Inhibition of the NO/cGMP/PKG PathwayGary A. B. Armstrong, Corinne I. Rodgers, Tomas G. A. Money and R. Meldrum RobertsonJournal of Neuroscience 24 June 2009, 29 (25) 8225-8235;
Balan, Puiu F.
- Articles, Behavioral/Systems/CognitiveFunctional Significance of Nonspatial Information in Monkey Lateral Intraparietal AreaPuiu F. Balan and Jacqueline GottliebJournal of Neuroscience 24 June 2009, 29 (25) 8166-8176;