Planning goal-directed movements requires the combination of visuospatial with abstract contextual information. Our sensory environment constrains possible movements to a certain extent. However, contextual information guides proper choice of action in a given situation and allows flexible mapping of sensory instruction cues onto different motor actions. We used anti-reach tasks to test the hypothesis that spatial motor-goal representations in cortical sensorimotor areas are gain modulated by the behavioral context to achieve flexible remapping of spatial cue information onto arbitrary motor goals. We found that gain modulation of neuronal reach goal representations is commonly induced by the behavioral context in individual neurons of both, the parietal reach region (PRR) and the dorsal premotor cortex (PMd). In addition, PRR showed stronger directional selectivity during the planning of a reach toward a directly cued goal (pro-reach) compared with an inferred target (anti-reach). PMd, however, showed stronger overall activity during reaches toward inferred targets compared with directly cued targets. Based on our experimental evidence, we suggest that gain modulation is the computational mechanism underlying the integration of spatial and contextual information for flexible, rule-driven stimulus–response mapping, and thereby forms an important basis of goal-directed behavior. Complementary contextual effects in PRR versus PMd are consistent with the idea that posterior parietal cortex preferentially represents sensory-driven, “automatic” motor goals, whereas frontal sensorimotor areas are stronger engaged in the representation of rule-based, “inferred” motor goals.