Figure 3.
Distribution of GAD-positive and GAD-negative POMC neurons. A, Low-power image of a sagittal brain slice containing the arcuate nucleus taken from a POMC–DsRed;GAD67–gfp double-transgenic mouse showing DsRed (left), GAD67–gfp (middle), and a merged image (right). Arrows indicate some of the double-labeled cells. B, Larger image of the area outlined by the box in A (right). C, Larger image of a sagittal section from a double-transgenic mouse. The circle indicates a region that is often observed to contain primarily GAD67–gfp-negative POMC–DsRed neurons. D, A coronal section shows double-labeled cells distributed throughout the mediolateral extent of the arcuate nucleus. Orientation for sagittal sections is indicated in the top right. R, Rostral; C, caudal; D, dorsal; V, ventral.