Index by author
August 01, 1983; Volume 3,Issue 8
Amy, CM
- ArticlesIncreased sodium ion conductance through nicotinic acetylcholine receptor channels in PC12 cells exposed to nerve growth factorsCM Amy and EL BennettJournal of Neuroscience 1 August 1983, 3 (8) 1547-1553;
Ballinger, CM
- ArticlesThe neural signal for skin indentation depth. I. Changing indentationsPR Burgess, J Mei, RP Tuckett, KW Horch, CM Ballinger and DA PoulosJournal of Neuroscience 1 August 1983, 3 (8) 1572-1585;
Baudry, M
- ArticlesClassification and properties of acidic amino acid receptors in hippocampus. I. Electrophysiological studies of an apparent desensitization and interactions with drugs which block transmissionL Fagni, M Baudry and G LynchJournal of Neuroscience 1 August 1983, 3 (8) 1538-1546;
Bennett, EL
- ArticlesIncreased sodium ion conductance through nicotinic acetylcholine receptor channels in PC12 cells exposed to nerve growth factorsCM Amy and EL BennettJournal of Neuroscience 1 August 1983, 3 (8) 1547-1553;
Bunney, BS
- ArticlesTypical and atypical neuroleptics: differential effects of chronic administration on the activity of A9 and A10 midbrain dopaminergic neuronsLA Chiodo and BS BunneyJournal of Neuroscience 1 August 1983, 3 (8) 1607-1619;
Burgess, PR
- ArticlesThe neural signal for skin indentation depth. I. Changing indentationsPR Burgess, J Mei, RP Tuckett, KW Horch, CM Ballinger and DA PoulosJournal of Neuroscience 1 August 1983, 3 (8) 1572-1585;
Chalupa, LM
- ArticlesAn analysis of axon caliber within the optic nerve of the cat: evidence of size groupings and regional organizationRW Williams and LM ChalupaJournal of Neuroscience 1 August 1983, 3 (8) 1554-1564;
Charlton, CG
- ArticlesSecretin: specific binding to rat brain membranesRT Fremeau, RT Jensen, CG Charlton, RL Miller, TL O'Donohue and TW MoodyJournal of Neuroscience 1 August 1983, 3 (8) 1620-1625;
Chiodo, LA
- ArticlesTypical and atypical neuroleptics: differential effects of chronic administration on the activity of A9 and A10 midbrain dopaminergic neuronsLA Chiodo and BS BunneyJournal of Neuroscience 1 August 1983, 3 (8) 1607-1619;
Crutcher, MD
- ArticlesRelations between parameters of step-tracking movements and single cell discharge in the globus pallidus and subthalamic nucleus of the behaving monkeyAP Georgopoulos, MR DeLong and MD CrutcherJournal of Neuroscience 1 August 1983, 3 (8) 1586-1598;
- ArticlesRelations between movement and single cell discharge in the substantia nigra of the behaving monkeyMR DeLong, MD Crutcher and AP GeorgopoulosJournal of Neuroscience 1 August 1983, 3 (8) 1599-1606;