Ciliary Neurotrophic Factor Cell-Based Delivery Prevents Synaptic Impairment and Improves Memory in Mouse Models of Alzheimer's Disease
Pierre Garcia, Ihsen Youssef, Jo K. Utvik, Sabrina Florent-Béchard, Vanassa Barthélémy, Catherine Malaplate-Armand, Badreddine Kriem, Christophe Stenger, Violette Koziel, Jean-Luc Olivier, Marie-Christine Escanye, Marine Hanse, Ahmad Allouche, Cédric Desbène, Frances T. Yen, Rolf Bjerkvig, Thierry Oster, Simone P. Niclou and Thierry Pillot
Journal of Neuroscience 2 June 2010, 30 (22) 7516-7527;