Index by author
July 07, 2010; Volume 30,Issue 27
Angelaki, Dora E.
- Articles, Behavioral/Systems/CognitiveVestibular Heading Discrimination and Sensitivity to Linear Acceleration in Head and World CoordinatesPaul R. MacNeilage, Martin S. Banks, Gregory C. DeAngelis and Dora E. AngelakiJournal of Neuroscience 7 July 2010, 30 (27) 9084-9094;
Arai, Itaru
- Articles, Cellular/MolecularActive Roles of Electrically Coupled Bipolar Cell Network in the Adult RetinaItaru Arai, Masashi Tanaka and Masao TachibanaJournal of Neuroscience 7 July 2010, 30 (27) 9260-9270;
Arce, Fritzie
- Articles, Behavioral/Systems/CognitiveNeuronal Correlates of Memory Formation in Motor Cortex after Adaptation to Force FieldFritzie Arce, Itai Novick, Yael Mandelblat-Cerf and Eilon VaadiaJournal of Neuroscience 7 July 2010, 30 (27) 9189-9198;
Arenas, Ernest
- Articles, Development/Plasticity/RepairInteractions of Wnt/β-Catenin Signaling and Sonic Hedgehog Regulate the Neurogenesis of Ventral Midbrain Dopamine NeuronsMianzhi Tang, J. Carlos Villaescusa, Sarah X. Luo, Camilla Guitarte, Simonia Lei, Yasunori Miyamoto, Makoto M. Taketo, Ernest Arenas and Eric J. HuangJournal of Neuroscience 7 July 2010, 30 (27) 9280-9291;
Areso, Pilar
- Articles, Cellular/MolecularA Pore Residue of the KCNQ3 Potassium M-Channel Subunit Controls Surface ExpressionJuan Camilo Gómez-Posada, Ainhoa Etxeberría, Meritxell Roura-Ferrer, Pilar Areso, Marianela Masin, Ruth D. Murrell-Lagnado and Alvaro VillarroelJournal of Neuroscience 7 July 2010, 30 (27) 9316-9323;
Arnold, Arthur P.
- Brief CommunicationsDissociation of Genetic and Hormonal Influences on Sex Differences in Alcoholism-Related BehaviorsJacqueline M. Barker, Mary M. Torregrossa, Arthur P. Arnold and Jane R. TaylorJournal of Neuroscience 7 July 2010, 30 (27) 9140-9144;
Bachevalier, Jocelyne
- Articles, Behavioral/Systems/CognitiveDevelopmental Trajectory of Object Recognition Memory in Infant Rhesus Macaques with and without Neonatal Hippocampal LesionsAlyson Zeamer, Eric Heuer and Jocelyne BachevalierJournal of Neuroscience 7 July 2010, 30 (27) 9157-9165;
Bailey, Craig D. C.
- Articles, Behavioral/Systems/CognitiveThe Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptor α5 Subunit Plays a Key Role in Attention Circuitry and AccuracyCraig D. C. Bailey, Mariella De Biasi, Paul J. Fletcher and Evelyn K. LambeJournal of Neuroscience 7 July 2010, 30 (27) 9241-9252;
Bailey, Timothy L.
- Articles, Development/Plasticity/RepairNFIA Controls Telencephalic Progenitor Cell Differentiation through Repression of the Notch Effector Hes1Michael Piper, Guy Barry, John Hawkins, Sharon Mason, Charlotta Lindwall, Erica Little, Anindita Sarkar, Aaron G. Smith, Randal X. Moldrich, Glen M. Boyle, Shubha Tole, Richard M. Gronostajski, Timothy L. Bailey and Linda J. RichardsJournal of Neuroscience 7 July 2010, 30 (27) 9127-9139;
Banks, Martin S.
- Articles, Behavioral/Systems/CognitiveVestibular Heading Discrimination and Sensitivity to Linear Acceleration in Head and World CoordinatesPaul R. MacNeilage, Martin S. Banks, Gregory C. DeAngelis and Dora E. AngelakiJournal of Neuroscience 7 July 2010, 30 (27) 9084-9094;
In this Issue