Figure 2.
Normal Ca2+ channel clustering and basal release at brpnude synapses. A, GluRIID labels (magenta, confocal) were used to quantify the Ca2+ channel (CacGFP, green, STED) clusters in control animals (top row) and brpnude mutants (below). The Cac signals at synapses that appeared ideally planar (n = 16 each) were averaged after alignment with the postsynaptic GluRIID signal (right panels) or themselves (center panels). While the example images were scaled up individually, all four averages were scaled up with the same factor. B, Intensity profiles of the average Cac images in black for controls and in gray for brpnude mutants with SE bars and the corresponding Gaussian fits (standard deviations given by σ) in gray. C, Examples of EPSCs elicited at 0.2 Hz in control (black), brpnude (gray), brp1.3 (green), and brp5.45 mutants (blue; average of 10 each) in 1.0 mm Ca2+. The average peak EPSC amplitudes and rise and decay kinetics were normal in brpnude mutants. In brp1.3 and brp5.45 mutants EPSC amplitudes were reduced and rise times increased (n = 22, 18, 4, and 12 for control, brpnude, brp1.3, and brp5.45, respectively). D, Example traces of mEPSCs of control (black), brpnude (gray), brp1.3 (green), and brp5.45 mutants (blue). The average mEPSC amplitudes were normal in brpnude, brp1.3, and brp5.45 mutants (n = 6, 6, 4, and 6 for control, brpnude, brp1.3, and brp5.45, respectively). Scale bar in A, 250 nm.