Figure 3. NMDA receptors contribute to CF-evoked spine calcium signaling. A, Confocal image of a 2.5 month-old mouse Purkinje cell filled with Oregon Green BAPTA-2 (200 μm). B, Area enlarged from the red box shown in A. The circle indicates the spine region of interest. Scale bars: A, 20 μm; B, 2 μm. C, Left, CF-evoked calcium transients (averages of 5 traces) recorded from the dendritic spine shown in B before and during application of D-APV (50 μm). Right, Corresponding complex spikes recorded from the soma. D, Bar graphs showing D-APV effects on the peak amplitude and area under the curve of the spine calcium transients (n = 9; control: n = 5; *p < 0.05; Mann–Whitney U test). Error bars are mean ± SEM.