Figure 1.
Inhibition of GDPs with weak acids is not related to changes in the metabolic state of mitochondria. A, Weak acids l- and d-lactate (L-lac and D-lac, respectively; 5 mm), as well as propionate (Prop, 1 mm), inhibit GDP activity. Data show the normalized GDP frequencies (Norm. DGP freq.) (±SEM) from 12, 9, and 6 slices, respectively. In all individual field-potential recordings, the sliding average of GDPs was calculated over a bin of 120 s, with a sliding interval of 15 s. Insets show original traces bandpass filtered at 0.2–25 Hz from an experiment where 5 mm l-lactate was applied. Scale bars for insets, 5 s/25 μV. B, Bumetanide (bume; 10 μm) reversibly abolished GDP activity in the continuous presence of 5 mm l-lactate (recording obtained 40 min after the beginning of lactate application; bandpass, 2.5–25 Hz). C, Glucose depletion causes a progressive suppression of GDPs in the presence of 5 mm l-lactate. Glucose was replaced with an equimolar amount of sucrose. GDP frequency fully recovered when glucose concentration was restored to normal. Figure illustrates the sliding GDP frequency averaged from seven slices.