In the article “CXCR4 Controls Ventral Migration of Sympathetic Precursor Cells” by Jennifer C. Kasemeier-Kulesa, Rebecca McLennan, Morgan H. Romine, Paul M. Kulesa, and Frances Lefcort, which appeared on pages 13078–13088 of the September 29, 2010 issue, the target and corresponding oligonucleotide sequences for the first CXCR4 shRNA construct were listed incorrectly. The correct sequences are as follows: CXCR4 shRNA target sequence: CCTGTTGGCTGCCGTATTA, with the following corresponding oligonucleotide sequences (5′–3′): top, CCT GTT GGC TGC CGT ATT ATT CAA GAG ATA ATA CGG CAG CCA ACA GGT TTT TT; bottom, AAT TAA AAA ACC TGT TGG CTG CCG TAT TAT CTC TTG AAT AAT ACG GCA GCC AAC AGG CCG G. The error does not affect the authors' interpretation or conclusions.