Figure 2. Experiment 2: stimuli, design, fMRI, and behavioral results. A, The chess stimuli and tasks used in experiment 2. Participants had to indicate whether the white king was in check in the Check task, whether there were knights of both colors presented in the Knight task, and whether two dots (black and white) were present in the Control (dot) task. In all three tasks, there were two types of positions: normal (taken from chess games of masters) and random (pieces were randomly distributed on the board). B, Diagram depicting the trial structure in experiment 2. We first presented a baseline (a starting board with all pieces at their initial location with a fixating cross) in which duration was jittered (6–10 s). After a short gap (0.5 s), the target stimulus was presented, which lasted until the press. S1–S5, First through fifth stimulus. C, Time (in seconds) experts and novices took to complete the check, knight, and control (dot) tasks, depending on the type of position in experiment 2. RT, Reaction time. D, Activation levels (percentage signal change relative to baseline) in the right FFA in experts and novices when executing the check, knight, and control (dot) tasks depending on the type of position in experiment 2. Error bars indicate SEM.