In the article “Endocytosis of the Glutamate Receptor Subunit GluK3 Controls Polarized Trafficking,” by Deborah Huyghe, Julien Veran, Virginie F. Labrousse, David Perrais, Christophe Mulle, and Françoise Coussen, which appeared on pages 11645–11654 of the August 10, 2011 issue, the authors found a mistake in the author contributions footnote incorrectly listing V.F.L. and F.C. as having designed research. The footnote should have read “Author contributions: D.H. and F.C. designed research; D.H., J.V., and V.F.L. performed research; D.H., D.P., C.M., and F.C. analyzed data; C.M. and F.C. wrote the paper.”