Figure 1.
Melatonin inhibits the mitochondrial cell-death pathway in cultured cells. A, Cell death is induced in mutant htt striatal cells by shifting cells to the nonpermissive temperature of 37°C in SDM. Test cell cultures contain 5 μm melatonin, whereas controls are devoid of melatonin. Five hours after being placed in nonpermissive conditions, cells are stained with MitoTracker, fixed, and stained with fluorescently tagged antibodies to cytochrome c. A punctate pattern colocalizing with MitoTracker indicates that cytochrome c is retained within mitochondria; a dim and diffuse one indicates that it has been released into the cytoplasm. The latter pattern is observed in stressed cells, confirming the release of cytochrome c. Even under nonpermissive conditions, however, melatonin-treated cells retain a bright and punctate appearance, suggesting the localization of cytochrome c in mitochondria (scale bar, 5 μm). B–E, Mutant htt striatal cells are shifted to nonpermissive conditions for 5 or 18 h (B–D) or 2 h (E) and treated as indicated. Cell lysates are centrifuged, and the cytosolic fractions (i.e., supernatant) are analyzed on Western blots probed with antibodies to cytochrome c, Smac, and AIF (B, top 3 blots). Alternatively, whole-cell lysates are resolved on Western blots and probed with antibodies to caspase-9, caspase-3, or caspase-1 or to Rip2 (2 bottom blots in B, D, E). In addition, caspase activities in whole-cell extract are measured by fluorogenic assays (C). Caspase-1 activation is evaluated by both Western blotting with an antibody to activated caspase-1 and fluorogenic assay (D). All Western blots have 50 μg/lane protein with β-actin as the loading control. A representative blot is shown. In all graphs, gray bars correspond to measurements on cells treated with melatonin, both with or without temperature shift/SDM. These are compared with white bars for unstressed cells and black bars for stressed cells without melatonin (null and negative controls, respectively). Values in bar graphs are the average of at least three independent measurements (*p < 0.05, **p < 0.001). F, Mutant htt ST14A cells are treated as indicated before being transferred to nonpermissive conditions. Living cells are stained with 2 μm Rh 123 to determine the mitochondrial membrane potential (Ψm). G, Mutant htt striatal cells are kept under nonpermissive conditions for 18 h in the presence or absence of 5 μm melatonin. Finally, chymotrypsin-like, trypsin-like, and caspase-like activity of proteasomes in cell lysate are measured using respective fluorogenic substrates, Suc-LLVY-MCA, Boc-LRR-AMC, and Z-LLE-AMC (Biomol). Results are the mean ± SEM for three independent experiments. MW, Molecular weight.