Figure 9. Network interactions supporting the acquisition and extinction of conditioned fear responses. Thalamic and cortical afferents convey CS information to LA (large red arrow on top left). CeM constitutes the main source of amygdala projections to brainstem fear effectors (large blue arrow on right). However, LA has no direct connections to CeM neurons. LA can influence CeM indirectly via the basal nuclei (BA) (a, b) or central lateral (CeL) nucleus (g, h). Our results support the notion that in an intact brain, LA can excite CeM neurons via the basal nuclei. However, if the BA nuclei are lesioned before training, conditioning occurs normally, suggesting that CeL might also participate. Disinhibition of CeM from inputs arising in CeL might be involved (Ciocchi et al., 2010; Duvarci et al., 2011). Interactions between LA, BA, and Ce are regulated by intercalated (ITC) cells located at the BLA–Ce border (blue circles) as well as the infralimbic (IL) and prelimbic (PL) regions of the medial prefrontal cortex (bottom scheme). In rats, the medial ITC cells occur in multiple main clusters: one located lateral to CeL (ITCd) and others located more ventrally (ITCv). ITCd receives glutamatergic inputs from LA (i) and project to CeL (j). ITCv receives glutamatergic inputs from BA (e) and project to CeM (k). In addition, ITCd projects to ITCv. After fear conditioning, via LA neurons, the CS excites ITCd neurons more strongly, likely resulting in the inhibition of CeL cells and disinhibition of CeM neurons. The increased recruitment of ITCd cells would also cause the inhibition of ITCv neurons, resulting in further CeM disinhibition. These two disinhibitory mechanisms would reinforce the glutamatergic excitation of CeM by BA inputs. It is likely that the persistence of BM responses after CS offset depends on interactions with the prelimbic cortex (c, d). In contrast, IL would regulate extinction by enabling a potentiation of BA inputs to ITCv neurons (f), resulting in increased feedforward inhibition of CeM cells by ITCv cells (e, k). PAG, Periaqueductal gray; DMV, dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus; NTS, nucleus of the solitary tract.