Figure 3. RvD2 abolishes spinal cord synaptic plasticity and reverses spinal cord LTP. A–E, sEPSCs in lamina II neurons of spinal cord slices. Aa, Traces of sEPSCs showing no effect of RvD2 on baseline sEPSCs. Ab, Traces of sEPSCs showing dose-dependent inhibition of AITC-induced enhancement of sEPSCs by RvD2 (0.1 and 1 ng/ml). B, Ratio of sEPSC frequency after treatment of capsaicin (CAP; 0.1 μm), AITC (300 μm), RvD2 (0.1 and 1 ng/ml), RvE1 (1 ng/ml), and RvD1 (10 ng/ml). *p < 0.05, versus pretreatment baseline. n = 5 ∼ 9 neurons. Note that capsaicin and AITC increase the frequency of sEPSC, which is differentially blocked by RvD2, RvE1, and RvD1. C, Traces of sEPSC in a spinal cord slice from control (a) and CFA-inflamed (1 d; b) mice showing sEPSC increase after inflammation and its inhibition by RvD2 (1 ng/ml). D, E, sEPSC frequency (D) and amplitude (E) in the control and CFA-inflamed conditions, and the actions of RvD2. *p < 0.05, compared with noninflamed control; #p < 0.05, versus CFA-inflamed control. n = 5 neurons. Cont, Control. The number of neurons recorded is indicated on the top of each column. F, Reversal of LTP of C-fiber-evoked field potentials in the dorsal horn of anesthetized mice by RvD2 (10 ng, i.t.), administered 2 h after LTP induction. *p < 0.05 (vehicle vs RvD2, two-way ANOVA, n = 5 mice). All results are means ± SEM.