Index by author
October 17, 2012; Volume 32,Issue 42
Aguirre, Adan
- Articles, Neurobiology of DiseaseOligodendrocyte Regeneration after Neonatal Hypoxia Requires FoxO1-Mediated p27Kip1 ExpressionBeata Jablonska, Joseph Scafidi, Adan Aguirre, Flora Vaccarino, Vien Nguyen, Erzsebet Borok, Tamas L. Horvath, David H. Rowitch and Vittorio GalloJournal of Neuroscience 17 October 2012, 32 (42) 14775-14793;
Akhmanova, Anna
- Brief CommunicationsMicrotubule Plus-End Tracking Proteins SLAIN1/2 and ch-TOG Promote Axonal DevelopmentBabet van der Vaart, Mariella A. M. Franker, Marijn Kuijpers, Shasha Hua, Benjamin P. Bouchet, Kai Jiang, Ilya Grigoriev, Casper C. Hoogenraad and Anna AkhmanovaJournal of Neuroscience 17 October 2012, 32 (42) 14722-14728a;
Allen, Kevin
- Articles, Behavioral/Systems/CognitiveHippocampal Place Cells Can Encode Multiple Trial-Dependent Features through Rate RemappingKevin Allen, J. Nick P. Rawlins, David M. Bannerman and Jozsef CsicsvariJournal of Neuroscience 17 October 2012, 32 (42) 14752-14766;
Andrusiak, Matthew G.
- Brief CommunicationsThe Retinoblastoma Protein Is Essential for Survival of Postmitotic NeuronsMatthew G. Andrusiak, Renaud Vandenbosch, David S. Park and Ruth S. SlackJournal of Neuroscience 17 October 2012, 32 (42) 14809-14814;
Ao, Yan
- Articles, Neurobiology of DiseaseInflammatory Mediators Alter the Astrocyte Transcriptome and Calcium Signaling Elicited by Multiple G-Protein-Coupled ReceptorsMary E. Hamby, Giovanni Coppola, Yan Ao, Daniel H. Geschwind, Baljit S. Khakh and Michael V. SofroniewJournal of Neuroscience 17 October 2012, 32 (42) 14489-14510;
Ascoli, Giorgio A.
- Cover ArticleArticles, Cellular/MolecularDigital Morphometry of Rat Cerebellar Climbing Fibers Reveals Distinct Branch and Bouton TypesKerry M. Brown, Izumi Sugihara, Yoshikazu Shinoda and Giorgio A. AscoliJournal of Neuroscience 17 October 2012, 32 (42) 14670-14684;
Bannerman, David M.
- Articles, Behavioral/Systems/CognitiveHippocampal Place Cells Can Encode Multiple Trial-Dependent Features through Rate RemappingKevin Allen, J. Nick P. Rawlins, David M. Bannerman and Jozsef CsicsvariJournal of Neuroscience 17 October 2012, 32 (42) 14752-14766;
Barrett, Lisa Feldman
- Articles, Behavioral/Systems/CognitiveIntrinsic Amygdala–Cortical Functional Connectivity Predicts Social Network Size in HumansKevin C. Bickart, Mark C. Hollenbeck, Lisa Feldman Barrett and Bradford C. DickersonJournal of Neuroscience 17 October 2012, 32 (42) 14729-14741;
Barrientos, Ruth M.
- Articles, Development/Plasticity/RepairIntracisternal Interleukin-1 Receptor Antagonist Prevents Postoperative Cognitive Decline and Neuroinflammatory Response in Aged RatsRuth M. Barrientos, Amy M. Hein, Matthew G. Frank, Linda R. Watkins and Steven F. MaierJournal of Neuroscience 17 October 2012, 32 (42) 14641-14648;
Bauml, Karl-Heinz T.
- Articles, Behavioral/Systems/CognitivePrefrontally Driven Downregulation of Neural Synchrony Mediates Goal-Directed ForgettingSimon Hanslmayr, Gregor Volberg, Maria Wimber, Nora Oehler, Tobias Staudigl, Thomas Hartmann, Markus Raabe, Mark W. Greenlee and Karl-Heinz T. BäumlJournal of Neuroscience 17 October 2012, 32 (42) 14742-14751;
In this Issue