Index by author
October 31, 2012; Volume 32,Issue 44
Abaryan, Zvart
- Articles, Development/Plasticity/RepairA Longitudinal Study of the Long-Term Consequences of Drinking during Pregnancy: Heavy In Utero Alcohol Exposure Disrupts the Normal Processes of Brain DevelopmentCatherine Lebel, Sarah N. Mattson, Edward P. Riley, Kenneth L. Jones, Colleen M. Adnams, Philip A. May, Susan Y. Bookheimer, Mary J. O'Connor, Katherine L. Narr, Eric Kan, Zvart Abaryan and Elizabeth R. SowellJournal of Neuroscience 31 October 2012, 32 (44) 15243-15251;
Adnams, Colleen M.
- Articles, Development/Plasticity/RepairA Longitudinal Study of the Long-Term Consequences of Drinking during Pregnancy: Heavy In Utero Alcohol Exposure Disrupts the Normal Processes of Brain DevelopmentCatherine Lebel, Sarah N. Mattson, Edward P. Riley, Kenneth L. Jones, Colleen M. Adnams, Philip A. May, Susan Y. Bookheimer, Mary J. O'Connor, Katherine L. Narr, Eric Kan, Zvart Abaryan and Elizabeth R. SowellJournal of Neuroscience 31 October 2012, 32 (44) 15243-15251;
Allen, Micah
- Articles, Behavioral/Systems/CognitiveCognitive-Affective Neural Plasticity following Active-Controlled Mindfulness InterventionMicah Allen, Martin Dietz, Karina S. Blair, Martijn van Beek, Geraint Rees, Peter Vestergaard-Poulsen, Antoine Lutz and Andreas RoepstorffJournal of Neuroscience 31 October 2012, 32 (44) 15601-15610;
Arancio, Ottavio
- Featured ArticleBrief CommunicationsReduction of Synaptojanin 1 Ameliorates Synaptic and Behavioral Impairments in a Mouse Model of Alzheimer's DiseaseLaura Beth J. McIntire, Diego E. Berman, Jennifer Myaeng, Agnieszka Staniszewski, Ottavio Arancio, Gilbert Di Paolo and Tae-Wan KimJournal of Neuroscience 31 October 2012, 32 (44) 15271-15276;
Barbas, Helen
- Articles, Behavioral/Systems/CognitiveThe Anterior Cingulate Cortex May Enhance Inhibition of Lateral Prefrontal Cortex Via m2 Cholinergic Receptors at Dual Synaptic SitesMaria Medalla and Helen BarbasJournal of Neuroscience 31 October 2012, 32 (44) 15611-15625;
Barde, Yves-Alain
- Articles, Development/Plasticity/RepairSeizure-Induced Neuronal Death Is Suppressed in the Absence of the Endogenous Lectin Galectin-1Vincent Bischoff, Rubén Deogracias, Françoise Poirier and Yves-Alain BardeJournal of Neuroscience 31 October 2012, 32 (44) 15590-15600;
Barrett, Curtis F.
- Articles, Cellular/MolecularCerebellar Ataxia by Enhanced CaV2.1 Currents Is Alleviated by Ca2+-Dependent K+-Channel Activators in Cacna1aS218L Mutant MiceZhenyu Gao, Boyan Todorov, Curtis F. Barrett, Stijn van Dorp, Michel D. Ferrari, Arn M.J.M. van den Maagdenberg, Chris I. De Zeeuw and Freek E. HoebeekJournal of Neuroscience 31 October 2012, 32 (44) 15533-15546;
Bennett, Allyson J.
- Articles, Behavioral/Systems/CognitiveThe Signature of Maternal Rearing in the Methylome in Rhesus Macaque Prefrontal Cortex and T CellsNadine Provençal, Matthew J. Suderman, Claire Guillemin, Renaud Massart, Angela Ruggiero, Dongsha Wang, Allyson J. Bennett, Peter J. Pierre, David P. Friedman, Sylvana M. Côté, Michael Hallett, Richard E. Tremblay, Stephen J. Suomi and Moshe SzyfJournal of Neuroscience 31 October 2012, 32 (44) 15626-15642;
Bensmaia, Sliman J.
- Articles, Behavioral/Systems/CognitiveMillisecond Precision Spike Timing Shapes Tactile PerceptionEmily L. Mackevicius, Matthew D. Best, Hannes P. Saal and Sliman J. BensmaiaJournal of Neuroscience 31 October 2012, 32 (44) 15309-15317;
Berman, Diego E.
- Featured ArticleBrief CommunicationsReduction of Synaptojanin 1 Ameliorates Synaptic and Behavioral Impairments in a Mouse Model of Alzheimer's DiseaseLaura Beth J. McIntire, Diego E. Berman, Jennifer Myaeng, Agnieszka Staniszewski, Ottavio Arancio, Gilbert Di Paolo and Tae-Wan KimJournal of Neuroscience 31 October 2012, 32 (44) 15271-15276;