Figure 1. mGlu2-activated outward current in GCs in rat acute slices. A, Average holding current and input resistance of GCs after application of 1 μm DCG IV. Data points indicate values averaged over 5 s and gray bars are the SEM (n = 23). B, Outward currents induced by the mGlu-II agonists DCG IV (1 μm), APDC (50 μm), and LY395756 (5 μm). Other columns show the block of DCG-IV-induced currents in GCs in the presence of the mGlu-II antagonists APICA (500 μm) and LY341495 (0.5 μm), the GIRK channel blocker tertiapin-Q (0.5 μm), and an intracellular solution containing the G-protein inhibitor, GDP-β-S (0.4 mm). C, DCG-IV-induced currents in anatomically identified hippocampal neurons. PC indicates pyramidal cells; PV+BC, parvalbumin-expressing basket cells in the DG; RSBC, regular spiking basket cells in the DG; NGFC, neurogliaform cells in the DG. D1, The mGlu-II specific antagonist APICA blocked the DCG-IV-induced current in GCs. After washout of the antagonist, agonist application resulted in an outward current. D2, Effect of tertiapin-Q on DCG-IV-induced currents during incubation with the toxin (left trace, n = 6 cells) and during subsequent application (right trace, n = 5 cells from separate experiments). D3, DCG IV effects in simultaneously recorded pairs of GCs with normal intracellular solution and with an added G-protein blocker, GDP-β-S. D4, DCG IV effects in simultaneously recorded pairs of GCs and neurogliaform cells. E, Reversal potential of the DCG-IV-induced current in GCs (average current between −100 and −55 mV, n = 8 cells). The gray line indicates the linear fit for the current values between −100 and −80 mV. Dashed line shows the calculated reversal potential for potassium. F, Inward rectification of the DCG-IV-induced current. Black and gray symbols mark the average whole-cell current (n = 3 cells) in control solution and in presence of DCG IV, respectively. The inset trace is the difference current.