Figure 2. Brain regions associated with AS by MSV interaction and percentage BOLD signal change in these regions. Images: brain fMRI activation maps associated with AS by MSV interaction in the bilateral IPL (left IPL, x = 36, y = −44, z = 50; right IPL, x = 34, y = −41, z = 42), the left IFG (x = −38, y = 3, z = 20), left FG (x = −55, y = −65, z = −9), right dMPFC (x = 22, y = −31, z = 48), and right precuneus (x = 8, y = −46, z = 50). Surface visualization (CARET; represents voxelwise z-statistical maps thresholded at z = 3.1 (cluster corrected p < 0.001). Bar charts: BOLD signal change in the brain regions associated with AS by MSV interaction. y-axis: percentage BOLD signal change. x-axis (from left to right): high AS and low AS groups. Error bars indicate SEM. Significant AS by MSV interactions (p < 0.05) in each brain region are represented by asterisks.