Figure 2. Combined WAY-161503 and CP-94253 significantly increase ARC FOS-IR compared with agonists administrated individually. A, F, Quantitative analysis of FOS-IR neurons in rostral ARC (bregma levels from −1.58 mm to −1.94 mm); combination of 10 mg/kg WAY-161503 and 20 mg/kg CP-94253 increases rostral ARC FOS-IR in ad libitum fed (A) and 24 h fasted mice (F) (*p = 0.027, **p = 0.0049 compared with saline; n = 6–7 per treatment). B–E and G–J, Representative images of rostral ARC FOS-IR (−1.58 mm to −1.94 mm from bregma) in ad libitum fed (B–E) and 24 h fasted (G–J) mice treated with saline (B,G), 10 mg/kg WAY-161503 (C,H), 20 mg/kg CP-94253 (D,I), or 10 mg/kg WAY-161503 + 20 mg/kg CP-94253 (E,J). 3V indicates third ventricle; ME, median eminence. Scale bar, 50 μm (B–E, G–J).