Figure 5. FAD PSEN1 mutations inhibit Aβ production by mutant PS1 in cis and modulate Aβ production by WT PS1 in trans. A, B, To assess the cis effects of PSEN1 mutations on Aβ production, Psen-null MEFs were transfected with vector encoding WT or mutant PS1 together with vector encoding APP C99-myc. Production of Aβ40 and Aβ42 was assayed by sandwich ELISA with isoform-specific antibodies. All PS1 mutants exhibited significantly impaired production of Aβ40. PS1 bearing the L166P, R278I, C410Y, and L435F mutations displayed significantly reduced Aβ42 production, whereas PS1 carrying the L392V and Δex9 mutations showed elevated Aβ42 production. C, D, To assess the trans effects of PSEN1 mutations on Aβ production, Psen-null MEFs were transfected with vectors encoding WT and mutant PS1 in a 1:1 ratio together with vector encoding APP C99-myc. Coexpression of mutant PS1 antagonized Aβ40 production by WT PS1, illustrated most clearly by significant reduction of Aβ40 production below the level produced by WT PS1 alone in the case of several mutations (R278I, C410Y, L435F). In contrast, several PS1 mutants stimulated Aβ42 production by WT PS1, as indicated by their supra-additive effect on Aβ42 production (e.g., L166P, C410Y, L435F). E, To assess the cis effects of PSEN1 mutations on total Aβ production, Psen-null MEFs were transfected with vector encoding WT or mutant PS1 together with vector encoding APP C99-myc. Total secreted Aβ levels were measured in culture supernatants by sandwich ELISA detecting all Aβ species ranging from Aβ38 through Aβ46. All PSEN1 mutations tested significantly impaired total Aβ production by the mutant protein, with several pathogenic mutants producing <10% of WT levels. F, To assess the trans effects of PSEN1 mutations on total Aβ production, Psen-null MEFs were transfected with vectors encoding WT and mutant PS1 in a 1:1 ratio together with vector encoding APP C99-myc. The effects of mutant and WT PS1 coexpression on total Aβ production were qualitatively similar to those observed for Aβ40 production (C), indicating that Aβ40 is the major Aβ species produced by WT and mutant PS1 under these conditions. Data are expressed as percentage of WT level ± SEM (n = 4–6 independent experiments). *p < 0.05 relative to WT.