Article Information
- Received October 23, 2012
- Revision received May 29, 2013
- Accepted June 26, 2013
- First published August 7, 2013.
- Version of record published August 7, 2013.
Author Information
- Tomomi Kaneko-Goto1,*,
- Yuki Sato1,*,
- Sayako Katada1,2,*,
- Emi Kinameri1,
- Sei-ichi Yoshihara1,
- Atsushi Nishiyori1,
- Mitsuhiro Kimura1,
- Hiroko Fujita1,
- Kazushige Touhara2,3,
- Randall R. Reed4, and
- Yoshihiro Yoshihara1,3
- 1RIKEN Brain Science Institute, Saitama 351-0198, Japan,
- 2Department of Applied Biological Chemistry, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo 113-8657, Japan,
- 3ERATO Touhara Chemosensory Signal Project, JST, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo 113-8657, Japan, and
- 4Center for Sensory Biology, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland 21205
Author contributions
Author contributions: Y.S. and Y.Y. designed research; T.K.-G., Y.S., S.K., E.K., S.Y., A.N., M.K., H.F., and Y.Y. performed research; K.T. and R.R.R. contributed unpublished reagents/analytic tools; T.K.-G., Y.S., S.K., E.K., S.Y., and A.N. analyzed data; Y.Y. wrote the paper.
↵*T.K.-G., Y.S., and S.K. contributed equally to this work.
- Received October 23, 2012.
- Revision received May 29, 2013.
- Accepted June 26, 2013.
This work was supported by a grant from RIKEN Brain Science Institute to Y.Y.; a grant from Exploratory Research for Advanced Technology (ERATO) Touhara Chemosensory Signal Project of the Japan Sciences and Technology Agency (JST) to K.T. and Y.Y.; a Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B); (KAKENHI 16300105) to Y.Y.; a Scientific Research on Priority Areas Grant (Cellular Sensor: KAKENHI 21026032 and 18077001) to Y.Y. and K.T.; a Scientific Research on Innovative Areas Grant (Systems Molecular Ethology: KAKENNHI 23115723) to Y.Y. from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology of Japan (MEXT); and a Research Fellowship for Young Scientists Grant from Japan Society for the Promotion of Science to S.K. We thank Charles Yokoyama and Alexandra V. Terashima for critical reading of the manuscript; Toshiaki Nakashiba for helpful advice on cDNA library construction and signal sequence trap screening; Koji Sato for help in EOG recording; Kenneth A. Jacobs for pSUC2T7M13ORI vector and YTK12 yeast strain; Takeshi Imai and Hitoshi Sakano for I7(WT)-ires-ECFP and I7(WT)-ires-dnPKA-ires-EYFP transgenic mice; Frank L. Margolis for anti-OMP antibody; Sachiko Mitsui and Miwa Kawasaki for technical assistance; Brain Science Institute (BSI) Research Resource Center for help in antibody production and generation/maintenance of transgenic and knock-out mice; and members of the Yoshihara laboratory for valuable discussions.
- Correspondence should be addressed to Yoshihiro Yoshihara, PhD, Laboratory for Neurobiology of Synapse, RIKEN Brain Science Institute, 2-1 Hirosawa, Wako, Saitama 351-0198, Japan. yoshihara{at}