Figure 6. Generation of Goofy-deficient mice. A, Gene targeting strategy to generate Goofy-deficient mice. A pgk-neo selection marker was inserted into the Goofy gene. DTA, Diphtheria toxin A subunit. B, PCR genotyping of wild-type (+/+), heterozygous (+/−), and homozygous (−/−) mice. C, Immunoblot analysis of Goofy protein. Goofy protein is absent in OE homogenates from mutant mice. D–I, Nissl-stained sections of OE (D, E, G, H) and OB (F, I) from wild-type (D–F) and Goofy-deficient (G–I) mice. No obvious difference in gross anatomy is observed at both low (D, F, G, I) and high (E, H) magnifications. J–Y, Immunofluorescence labeling of OB sections from wild-type (J–Q) and Goofy-deficient (R–Y) mice with antibodies against NCAM (J, R), OCAM (K, S), NQO1 (L, T), neuropilin-1 (M, U), neuropilin-2 (N, V), BIG-2 (O, W), Olfr73 (P, X), and Olfr1507 (Q, Y). No difference is observed in the expression of cell adhesion molecules (J–O, R–W) and the olfactory axon convergence to both lateral and medial target glomeruli (P, Q, X, Y). Scale bars: D, G, J–O, R–W, 500 μm; E, H, P, Q, X, Y, 200 μm.