Figure 7. Edges (ON and OFF) and dark targets serve as input to model variants of the EMD as well as the ESTMD model. These include both the 2-detector EMD, which sums channels of ‘like” correlations (Eichner et al., 2011) and the 6-detector EMD, which includes terms between ON and OFF correlations (Clark et al., 2011). Each of these versions is modeled with and without strong surround antagonism. For each model variant, output is normalized to the sum of the OFF edge, ON edge, and target output values. A, Without surround antagonism, both the 2- and 6-detector models predict a sublinear response to targets rather than the supralinearity observed in CSTMD1 (Figs. 4C,E and 5). B, Model outputs do not change when surround antagonism is included in the model variants. C, In comparison, an STMD model matches the physiological data with target responses much larger than the linear combination of ON and OFF edge responses. D, EMD and STMD model output in response to targets of varying extent (in the direction of travel). The ESTMD model is more responsive to small targets, and the output of the OFF and ON correlation is inherently tuned to the separation of the OFF and ON edges in the direction of travel (i.e., velocity/width tuned).