Figure 7. Electron micrographs of immunogold labeling of eYFP at 3 weeks following viral-mediated transfection of ChR2-eYFP in s. oriens of CA1 in a pilocarpine-treated SOM-Cre mouse. A–C, Immunogold-labeled terminals (T) in the dentate molecular layer form distinct symmetric synaptic contacts (arrows) with medium to small dendritic shafts (D). Immunogold particles are frequently concentrated near the periphery of the labeled axon terminals. The labeled terminals contain mitochondrial profiles and numerous synaptic vesicles, consistent with functional terminals. C, A labeled axon terminal is in continuity with the thin preterminal segment of its axon (open arrowhead). D, E, eYFP-labeled terminals also form symmetric synaptic contacts (arrows) with dendritic spines (S) in the dentate molecular layer. These spines form asymmetric synaptic contacts (arrowheads) with unlabeled terminals. In D, the spine contains a spine apparatus (*), and in E, the labeled terminal is relatively large and forms an en passant synapse with the spine (S). F, G, In s. oriens of CA1, eYFP-labeled dendrites appear outlined by immunogold particles, which are located near the inner face of the plasma membrane. These dendrites commonly received synaptic contacts. F, Unlabeled terminals (T) form asymmetric synapses (arrowheads) with a labeled dendrite, and two of these contacts are with an elongated spine-like process that extends from the larger dendritic shaft. G, A labeled dendrite receives both an asymmetric (arrowhead) and a probable symmetric (arrow) synaptic contact from unlabeled axon terminals. Scale bars: A, E, F, G, 0.5 μm; B–D, 0.25 μm.