Figure 3. Theta phase can simultaneously modulate genuine and spurious high-frequency oscillations. A, Top, Power spectral density (in mV2/Hz). Bottom, Comodulation map. B, LFP averages triggered by the peaks of HFO (top) and SLHFO (middle), and by spike times (bottom). C, Left, Mean HFO amplitude (top), SLHFO amplitude (middle), and multiunit activity (bottom) as a function of theta phase. Right, Normalized HFO, SLHFO, and multiunit activity versus theta phase. The results in A–C were obtained from a representative LFP recorded near CA1 stratum pyramidale in a freely behaving rat during active waking. D, First column, representative sharp wave ripple event recorded from a 16-site probe (100 μm spacing); second and third columns, LFP averages triggered by the peaks of HFO (reference, site 1) and SLHFO (reference, site 7); fourth and fifth columns, averaged HFO- and SLHFO-filtered LFPs (same trigger as before); the color plots show the associated CSD maps; sixth column, comodulation maps for a recording site above (top) and (bottom) at the pyramidal layer. Notice prominent theta-HFO and theta-SLHFO coupling, respectively.