Article Information
- Received October 10, 2013
- Revision received February 25, 2014
- Accepted February 25, 2014
- First published April 2, 2014.
- Version of record published April 2, 2014.
Author Information
- Katalin Bartus1,*,
- Nicholas D. James1,*,
- Athanasios Didangelos1,
- Karen D. Bosch1,
- Joost Verhaagen2,
- Rafael J. Yáñez-Muñoz3,
- John H. Rogers4,
- Bernard L. Schneider5,
- Elizabeth M. Muir4, and
- Elizabeth J. Bradbury1
- 1King's College London, Regeneration Group, The Wolfson Centre for Age-Related Diseases, London SE1 1UL, United Kingdom,
- 2Laboratory for Neuroregeneration, Netherlands Institute for Neuroscience, 1105BA Amsterdam, The Netherlands,
- 3School of Biological Sciences, Royal Holloway, University of London, Egham, Surrey TW20 0EX, United Kingdom,
- 4Department of Physiology Development and Neuroscience, University of Cambridge, Cambridge CB2 3EG, United Kingdom, and
- 5Brain Mind Institute, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, 1015 Lausanne, Switzerland
Author contributions
Author contributions: E.J.B. designed research; K.B., N.D.J., A.D., and K.D.B. performed research; J.V., R.J.Y.-M., J.H.R., B.L.S., and E.M.M. contributed unpublished reagents/analytic tools; K.B., N.D.J., and A.D. analyzed data; K.B., N.D.J., A.D., and E.J.B. wrote the paper.
↵*K.B. and N.D.J. contributed equally to this work.
- Received October 10, 2013.
- Revision received February 25, 2014.
- Accepted February 25, 2014.
This work was supported by the United Kingdom Medical Research Council (Senior Non-Clinical Fellowship Award G1002055), the International Spinal Research Trust (SRT101), the Henry Smith Charity, the Darwin Trust of Edinburgh, and the International Foundation for Research in Paraplegia (to E.J.B.); the International Spinal Research Trust (TR1002 to E.M.M.); and European Union FP7 projects Plasticise (Project Number 223524, to B.L.S.) and Persist (222878, to R.J.Y.-M.). We thank F. Pidoux and S.G. Ahmed for technical assistance in production of LV suspensions; E.R. Burnside, C. Kathe, and P. Hemachudha for assistance with histology; and S.B. McMahon, G. Cook, and R.J. Keynes for advice and comments on the manuscript.
The authors declare no competing financial interests.
- Correspondence should be addressed to Elizabeth J. Bradbury, King's College London, Regeneration Group, The Wolfson Centre for Age-Related Diseases, Wolfson Wing, Hodgkin Building, Guy's Campus, London Bridge, London SE1 1UL, United Kingdom. elizabeth.bradbury{at}