Figure 3. Adrenergic gating of STDP. A, In control ACSF associative spike-timing paradigms induce neither tLTP (filled circles) nor tLTD (open circles). The diagram illustrates the conditioning paradigm (s1: stimulation of input 1, a.p: postsynaptic action potential, s2: stimulation of input 2). B, C, Bath application of agonists for β- and α1-adrenergic receptors (isoproterenol, Iso: 10 μm; Methoxamine, Mtx: 5 μm) for 10 min (gray bar) enables the induction of tLTP and tLTD. B, Example of tLTP and tLTD induced in the same cell. Traces on top are averages of 10 consecutive responses recorded before (black) and 30 min after pairing (red). Calibration: A, 50 ms, 50 mV; B, 5 ms, 5 mV. Inset, Each tick represents 1 ms, 1 mV. C, Average induction of tLTP (filled circles) and tLTD (open circles). Plotted at the bottom are PPR and input resistance (Rin), both expressed as percentage of baseline. D, Levels in GluA1 phosphorylation (percentage of control; Ctl) at the residues S845 and S831 induced by a 10 min exposure to either 10 μm Iso, 10 μm McN, or 5 μm Mtx. Example blots are shown on the top.