Article Information
- Received September 30, 2013
- Revision received April 30, 2014
- Accepted May 2, 2014
- First published June 4, 2014.
- Version of record published June 4, 2014.
Author Information
- Blaine R. Roberts1,*,
- Nastasia K. H. Lim2,*,
- Erin J. McAllum2,*,
- Paul S. Donnelly3,4,
- Dominic J. Hare1,6,
- Philip A. Doble6,
- Bradley J. Turner1,
- Katherine A. Price2,
- Sin Chun Lim3,4,
- Brett M. Paterson3,4,
- James L. Hickey3,4,
- Timothy W. Rhoads7,8,
- Jared R. Williams7,8,
- Katja M. Kanninen2,
- Lin W. Hung1,4,
- Jeffrey R. Liddell2,
- Alexandra Grubman2,
- Jean-Francois Monty10,
- Roxana M. Llanos10,
- David R. Kramer11,
- Julian F. B. Mercer10,
- Ashley I. Bush1,
- Colin L. Masters1,
- James A. Duce1,12,
- Qiao-Xin Li1,
- Joseph S. Beckman7,8,9,
- Kevin J. Barnham1,4,5,
- Anthony R. White1,2, and
- Peter J. Crouch1,2
- 1Florey Institute of Neuroscience and Mental Health,
- 2Department of Pathology,
- 3School of Chemistry,
- 4Bio21 Institute of Biotechnology and Molecular Biology, and
- 5Department of Pharmacology, The University of Melbourne, Parkville, 3010 Victoria, Australia,
- 6Elemental Bio-imaging Facility, and Department of Chemistry and Forensic Science, University of Technology Sydney, 2007 Broadway, New South Wales, Australia,
- 7Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics,
- 8Linus Pauling Institute, and
- 9Environmental Health Sciences Centre, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon 97331,
- 10Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology, School of Life and Environmental Sciences, Deakin University, Burwood, 3125 Victoria, Australia,
- 11ANU Medical School, ANU College of Medicine, Biology and the Environment, The Australian National University, 0200 Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia, and
- 12School of Molecular and Cellular Biology, University of Leeds, Leeds LS2 9JT, United Kingdom
Author contributions
Author contributions: B.R.R. and P.J.C. designed research; B.R.R., N.K.H.L., E.J.M., D.J.H., B.J.T., K.A.P., S.C.L., B.M.P., J.L.H., T.W.R., J.R.W., K.M.K., L.W.H., J.R.L., A.G., J.S.B., and P.J.C. performed research; P.A.D., J.-F.M., R.M.L., D.R.K., J.F.B.M., A.I.B., C.L.M., J.A.D., J.S.B., and P.J.C. contributed unpublished reagents/analytic tools; B.R.R., N.K.H.L., E.J.M., P.S.D., D.J.H., P.A.D., J.R.W., Q.-X.L., J.S.B., K.J.B., A.R.W., and P.J.C. analyzed data; B.R.R., N.K.H.L., E.J.M., P.S.D., and P.J.C. wrote the paper.
↵*B.R.R., N.K.H.L., and E.J.M. contributed equally to this work.
- Received September 30, 2013.
- Revision received April 30, 2014.
- Accepted May 2, 2014.
This work was supported by funds from the Australian National Health and Medical Research Council (Project Grants 1005651 and 1061550); the Motor Neuron Disease Research Institute of Australia; the Victorian Government Operational Infrastructure Support Program; Bethlehem Griffiths Research Foundation; the CASS Foundation; the Australian Research Council; the National Academy of Finland; the Sigrid Juselius Foundation; and The University of Melbourne.
A.I.B. is a paid consultant for Collaborative Medicinal Development LLC. Collaborative Medicinal Development LLC has licensed intellectual property on this subject from The University of Melbourne, where the inventors are P.S.D., K.J.B., and A.R.W. Some of the samples used for histology were prepared by the Biomedical Sciences Histology Facility, The University of Melbourne.
- Correspondence should be addressed to Dr. Peter J. Crouch, Department of Pathology, The University of Melbourne, 3010 Parkville, Victoria, Australia. pjcrouch{at}