Figure 2. Dendritic load, AP onset rapidness, and the tracking of high-frequency modulation by axonal spikes. a, Schematics showing four neuron models with increasing dendritic load (increasing ρaxon; see Materials Methods). The model with gray dendrite (ρaxon = 190) was used in Figure 1. b, Top, Voltage response of the model with ρaxon = 190 to a fluctuating current injected in the soma (schematic electrode in a). The corresponding current input was composed of a DC current (lower traces, green line of 0.2 nA), a modulated sine wave, and a noisy current input, as shown in the lower traces (see Materials and Methods). c, AP phase slope as a function of distance from the soma for the four neuron models. Input current was normalized to yield similar firing rate of 10 Hz in all four models (see Materials and Methods). Colors are as the dendrites in the respective schematics. AP was initiated at the same location (the SIP) in all four models (red points). Inset, zoom in at the SIP; AP onset becomes more rapid with increased dendritic load. d, Models' capability to track high-frequency modulations via axonal spikes, as assessed using the vector strength R. Colors are as in a. Cutoff frequency is shifted to the right with increasing the dendritic load. e, Correlation between ρaxon and AP onset rapidness (black curve, left x-axis) and the cutoff frequency (green curve, right y-axis). Note the 30% increase in AP inset rapidness and the >3-fold improvement of encoding input fluctuations via axonal spikes with increasing ρaxon.