Figure 1. Optogenetic activation of striatal cholinergic interneurons elicits complex PSPs in FSIs. A1–A4, Striatal slices in ChAT-Cre::Lhx6-GFP mouse injected with AAV-DIO-ChR2-mCherry. Immunohistochemistry for Lhx6-GFP (A1), mCherry (A2), ChAT (A3), and all three (A4). Scale bar, 50 μm. B, Left, Recording configuration. Whole-cell current-clamp recordings from mCherry-positive cholinergic interneurons. Membrane potential responses to injection of ± 100 pA (left) or a train of 5 ms pulses of blue light (470 nm) at 5 Hz (right, blue bar). C, Left, Schematic of recording configuration. Representative light-evoked synaptic potentials in whole-cell current-clamp recordings from striatal FSIs before (center) and after (right) addition of picrotoxin (picro; 50 μm). D, Upper left, Presumed glutamatergic responses recorded in the presence of picrotoxin, scopolamine (scop; 10 μm), mecamylamine (mec; 5 μm), and methyllycaconitine (MLA; 10 nm). Lower left, Presumed cholinergic responses recorded in the presence of picrotoxin, NBQX, and APV. Right, Average PSP amplitude attributable to glutamate (Glu), acetylcholine (ACh), or GABA, and the total PSP. Arrow indicates resting membrane potential.