Article Information
- Received May 9, 2014
- Revision received June 17, 2014
- Accepted July 22, 2014
- First published September 3, 2014.
- Version of record published September 3, 2014.
Author Information
- Nina Kraus1,2,3,4,
- Jessica Slater1,2,
- Elaine C. Thompson1,2,
- Jane Hornickel1,5,
- Dana L. Strait1,3,
- Trent Nicol1,2, and
- Travis White-Schwoch1,2
- 1Auditory Neuroscience Laboratory,
- 2Department of Communication Sciences,
- 3Neuroscience Program, and
- 4Departments of Neurobiology and Physiology, Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois 60208, and Department of Otolaryngology, Northwestern University, Chicago, Illinois 60611, and
- 5Data Sense LLC, Chicago, Illinois 60660
Author contributions
Author contributions: N.K. and D.L.S. designed research; J.S., E.C.T., and D.L.S. performed research; J.H., T.N., and T.W.-S. analyzed data; N.K., J.H., T.N., and T.W.-S. wrote the paper.
- Received May 9, 2014.
- Revision received June 17, 2014.
- Accepted July 22, 2014.
This work is supported by the National Association of Music Merchants, the Grammy Foundation, and the Hugh Knowles Center. We are grateful to S.R. O'Connell, S. Bhatia, J. Thompson, E. Spitzer, E. Skoe, and J. Krizman for their assistance with the study. We also express our appreciation to Harmony Project founder Margaret Martin, Dr. P.H., M.P.H., executive director Myka Miller, and staff Monk Turner, Sara Flores, and Jeremy Drake (, and the children and their families for their participation.
The authors declare no competing financial interests.
- Correspondence should be addressed to Nina Kraus, 2240 Campus Drive, Evanston, IL 60208. nkraus{at}